Faça seu Teste de Nivelamento

O Teste Online é uma ferramenta gratuita desenvolvida para que você possa descobrir seu nível de inglês.

São 30 questões e o tempo máximo de execução do teste é de 15 minutos.
Preencha o questionário abaixo e clique em Iniciar Teste para começar.
O resultado aparecerá no final e será encaminhado para o seu e-mail.

Have fun!


Antes de começar não esqueça de deixar seu nome e e-mail

1 / 30

Diane _____ from Australia.

2 / 30

What’s _____ telephone number?

3 / 30

Adaml is ______

4 / 30

My friend is ____ doctor.

5 / 30

_____ two people waiting for you.

6 / 30

Ingrid ____ chocolate cakes.

7 / 30

He ____ at home last night.

8 / 30

She ___ the concert yesterday.

9 / 30

____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.

10 / 30

Jack is vegetarian. He ____ meat.

11 / 30

A car is ____ than a bike.

12 / 30

The church is ____ to the supermarket.

13 / 30

Melanie worked last night and she ____ go out.

14 / 30

The house, ____ is white, is mine.

15 / 30

She ____ a lot when she was younger.

16 / 30

____ been to Nepal?

17 / 30

You ____ wear a uniform on Friday.

18 / 30

The results were ____ expected.

19 / 30

I think I ____ to the beach this weekend.

20 / 30

He wasn’t interested in the movie. ____.

21 / 30

Take an umbrella, ____ you might get wet outside

22 / 30

This is the song that I ____ for for quite a long time.

23 / 30

They won´t come ____ you invite them.

24 / 30

Our director would not have signed the contract if she ____ a lawyer present.

25 / 30

By the time you get back I ___ the work.

26 / 30

You may not like the cold weather here, but you’ll have to ____, I’m afraid.

27 / 30

It’s so cold you should ____ on a warm jacket.

28 / 30

I think it’s very easy to ____ debt these days.

29 / 30

Come on! Quick! Let’s get ____ !

30 / 30

I phoned her ____ I heard about her mother.